When we talk about taking charge of anxiety there’s a number of realisations which I think are important for people to have, so that they’ve got that awareness of what’s happening in their mind and body to give them the symptoms.
You’ll hear me talk a lot about the chemicals that run around in your body, and one realisation which I think’s important is that anxiety, or any emotional state, is just a bunch of chemicals. And the chemicals that put you in an anxious state are different to the chemicals that put you into a confident, powerful or happy state.
There’s thousands of these hormones and chemical messengers, but a few examples that you may hear me mention are things like adrenaline, cortisol, testosterone, serotonin, dopamine, to name just a few that you may have heard of.
Now the release of these chemicals is usually done subconsciously, without thinking. And we’re going to learn all about what causes that and how to change it. But it can also be controlled consciously, with our mind.
We’re going to talk more about that, and I’ll give you some examples and experiences of it in the 7 part course we’ve put together to take charge of anxiety, and you can grab that for free at our Home Page.